Okay, I know it's small, but I'm learning here!
This is Kun Lek's house, where she, her pii sow (older sister) Kun Bek and her meh (mother) live.  You can see that it's wooden and on stilts, right?  Just to the left of the stairs, that box-looking thing on the ground, that's a foot bath filled with water that you use to wash the dust off your feet after you slip off your shoes at the bottom of the stairs (again, really small, but you can see a pair of pink flip flops at the bottom, at the base of the blue railing, right?).  The path up to the stairs is just a few boards that have settled into the ground, I'm guessing when it's rained and they've sunk.  Oh, I think you can tell that the roof is corrugated iron sheets; you should hear the cats on it at night!  So loud!
The bright colors are something that Kun Lek's house has in common with many Thai houses, outdoors decoration often includes shell wind chimes and garlands I'd usually save only for the Christmas tree.  It's beautiful, and much bigger than it looks from this tiny, tiny picture!
More pictures later, but I've got to go before it's too dark to see the road!

1/24/2014 03:55:21 am

Great job with posting the photo! It looks like you are doing well and learning lots. Wishing you all the best.

1/25/2014 03:12:57 am

Thanks for sharing this. Great info on your digs and the Thai culture.

Danylla Dinwiddie
1/26/2014 08:58:09 am

You explain things that remind me of my mom. What a delight it was to read. I am enjoying your posts and reading them to Josh. Love you!


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    These are the personal opinions of Spook, and do not reflect those of the Peace Corps.


    January 2014

